MarcoPolo Icon

Tips and Tricks

This page gives examples of useful ways that MarcoPolo can be used, especially via actions.

To cause Adium to connect and set your status:

  1. Use Script Editor to create an AppleScript such as:
    tell application "Adium"
    	set my status message to "At home."
    	set my status type to available
    end tell
  2. Save it somewhere convenient.
  3. Create an Open action in MarcoPolo, selecting the saved script as its parameter.

You may replace available with away to have Adium set your status as busy.

To launch iTunes and hide its window:

  1. Use Script Editor to create an AppleScript such as:
    tell application "iTunes"
    	set visible of window 1 to false
    end tell
  2. Save it somewhere convenient.
  3. Create an Open action in MarcoPolo, selecting the saved script as its parameter.

See also

Setting up MarcoPolo's actions